Academic Information
- Grade Reporting
- Promotion & Retention
- Honor Roll & Principal's List
- Gifted Education
- Homework
- Parent Conferences
- 3rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment
- Permanent Records
- Transfer of Records
Grade Reporting
Grades can be viewed on PowerSchool regularly and a report card will be issued at the end of each nine weeks. A minimum of ten grades will be taken in ELA and Math per nine weeks. Grades are divided into two categories: Major and Minor. Major grades are worth 60% of the final grade and minor grades are worth 40%.
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be made available via PowerSchool midway through each quarter as shown on the school calendar. Teacher-parent conferences are encouraged and effort should be made to arrange such conferences as needed to assure student progress.
The following reporting code is used:
A - Outstanding/Excellent
B - Exceeds Requirements
C - Meets Minimum Requirements
D - Working Below Ability Level
F - Unacceptable Performance
A - Outstanding/Excellent
B - Exceeds Requirements
C - Meets Minimum Requirements
D - Working Below Ability Level
F - Unacceptable Performance
The following grading scale is used in core academic subjects:
A - 93-100
B - 85-92
C - 77-84
D - 70-76
F - 69 and below
These marks are used for special subject areas, Science, and Social Studies in grades 1 and 3:
E-Excellent - 93-100
S-Satisfactory - 85-92
N-Needs Improvement - 70-84
U-Unsatisfactory - 0-69
Promotion & Retention
The OSSD Instructional Program has sequential planned instructions for all subject/grade levels. Minimum proficiency requirements are necessary for students to progress to the next higher level/grade. See OSSD BOT Policy IHE - Promotion and Retention.
Considerations for promotion are:
- Minimum numeric average of 70 in current subject/grade level;
- Potential for doing work in the next higher grade level;
- Attendance;
- Willingness to complete work;
- Each student receiving a standard diploma has achieved mastery of minimum academic skills as measured by assessments developed and administered by the State Board of Education and/or other options as adopted by the State Board of Education.
Promotion of any child from kindergarten to grade 1 is contingent on mastering readiness skills as stated in the kindergarten curriculum as established by OSSD. Decisions on the promotion of kindergarten children rest with the classroom teacher, with final approval being the authority of the school principal.
Grades 1st-3rd
Promotion to grades 2, 3, and 4 requires passing grades in reading and math, mastery of skills prescribed by the standards and frameworks adopted by the MDE, and mastery of grade-level objectives as established by OSSD. In addition, the third-grade students must successfully complete the Third Grade Summative Assessment as outlined in MS Code § 37-177-1 and the Literacy-Based Promotion Act.
Student’s academic progress will be communicated throughout the school year. Parents of students who are at risk of being retained will be notified in writing in March. The final decision to promote or retain a student will be a joint decision made by the teacher and principal based on the considerations listed above.
Honor Roll & Principal's List
At the end of each grading period, students having earned a “B” average or above in every subject in which they are enrolled as having attained the Honor Roll. Students having earned an “A” average in every subject in which they are enrolled as having attained the Principal’s List, as outlined in OSSD BOT Policy IHD - Honor Roll.
Gifted Education
The Mississippi Gifted Education Act of 1989, as amended in 1993, mandates that each public school district within the state provide gifted education programs for intellectually gifted students in grades two through six. Students must meet specific state and district guidelines as outlined in state regulations and OSSD BOT Policy IDE - Gifted Education Program. Although students are usually referred by teachers for screening, parents can also initiate referrals by contacting the Connections teacher at the child’s school. Referrals for the gifted program, for grades 2-6, are accepted year-round. All requests for testing should be directed via email to the student’s homeroom teacher and/or the gifted teacher of that campus. The State of Mississippi mandates the assessment and placement process to be completed in a timely manner. Testing periods will be designated by OSSD Student Services and Phase I testing will be administered in the spring of each year for all referrals. Students who are new to OSSD can be tested after their first nine weeks of attendance. Students will only be tested twice by the district. A blanket screener will be administered yearly.
Homework is an extension of the student’s school activities. Recognizing the value of homework assignments that are purposeful, well-planned, well-motivated, and age-appropriate, the OSSD BOT encourages the assignment of independent activities for students to complete at home. The type and the amount of time necessary to complete assignments will vary from kindergarten through twelfth grade; however, there will not necessarily be an assignment every night. Homework assignments should have the following purposes:
- To reinforce classroom instruction;
- To complete unfinished classroom assignments;
- To promote independent work;
- To promote growth and responsibility in meeting curriculum requirements; and,
- To accommodate the student’s individual achievement level and ability.
See OSSD BOT Policy IHB - Homework.
Parent Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged. At various times during the school year and for various reasons, teachers and parents/guardians should confer concerning students. If the teacher feels a conference is necessary, the teacher will contact the parent. If for any reason a parent wishes to have a conference with the teacher, the parent should contact the teacher. When parents have concerns or issues to discuss, they are encouraged to discuss the issue with the classroom teacher first. If the situation is not resolved, parents may address the issue with the elementary administration. Teachers, administrators, and parents share the common goal of creating the best learning experiences for students. Conferences may be scheduled before or after school or during a teacher's planning period and must be scheduled at least one day in advance.
3rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment
All 3rd grade students must pass the state’s Reading Summative Assessment and will not be promoted to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause exemptions for promotion. Additional information on the reading summative can be found at
Permanent Records
A permanent record is set up for each student in the school system. This record begins when the student starts school and is kept current on the student until he/she finishes school. The permanent record follows the student wherever he/she goes. Permanent records are available for review by parents upon request. A student's educational record will be forwarded to a requesting school in which the student enrolls upon the school's request for the record. Permanent and cumulative records for individual students are collected, maintained, and disseminated in compliance with MS Codes § 37-3-49, § 37-15-1 through 37-15-3, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. See OSSD BOT Policy JR - Student Records.
Transfer of Records
A student's educational record will be forwarded to a requesting school in which the student enrolls upon the school's request for the record. Permanent and cumulative records for individual students contain academic achievement and other required data and are collected, maintained, and disseminated in compliance with Mississippi laws and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.