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OSSD Ranked #1 School District in Mississippi by MDE for the Second Consecutive Year

OSSD Ranked #1 School District in Mississippi by MDE for the Second Consecutive Year
OSSD ranked #1 graphic


SEPTEMBER 17, 2024  -  12:00 P.M.

OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss (OSSD) -- The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) has released accountability grades for the 2023-2024 school year, and for the second consecutive year, Ocean Springs School District ranks as the #1 school district in the state with an overall score of 798 and earned an “A” rating for the eleventh consecutive year.

In addition to OSSD being ranked #1 in the state for the second year in a row, Ocean Springs High School is ranked as the #3 high school in Mississippi, and all OSSD schools earned individual “A” ratings for the sixth consecutive year.

Some of OSSD’s highlights include:

  • OSSD ranks #1 overall district in Mississippi with a score of 798.
  • OSHS ranks #3 overall high school in Mississippi with a score of 858.
  • OSMS ranks #8 overall middle school in Mississippi with a score of 500.
  • OSSD students earned a graduation rate of 92.2 percent.
  • OSSD finishes as one of only two school districts in the state to score in the top ten in all four subject areas (Math, ELA, Science, U.S. History).
  • #1 district overall in 3rd grade math with 80.1 percent proficiency.
  • #1 district overall in 6th grade ELA with 65.2 percent proficiency, OSUE #11.
  • #1 district overall in 7th grade ELA with 66.8 percent proficiency, OSMS #7.
  • #1 district overall in English II with 74.6 percent proficiency, OSHS #2.
  • #2 district overall in 3rd grade ELA with 82.7 percent proficiency.
  • #2 district overall in 7th grade math with 83.9 percent proficiency, OSMS #15.
  • #3 district overall in 5th grade Science with 90.5 percent proficiency, OSUE #24.
  • #3 district overall in 8th grade ELA with 63.9 percent proficiency, OSMS #15.
  • #3 district overall in Algebra I with 91.7 percent proficiency, OSHS #7.
  • #4 district overall in 4th grade ELAwith 77.9 percent proficiency, OSUE #30.
  • #4 district overall in 5th grade ELA with 68.4 percent proficiency, OSUE #35.
  • #4 district overall in 6th grade math with 76.7 percent proficiency, OSUE #29.
  • #4 district overall in 8th grade Science with 79.6 percent proficiency, OSMS #29.
  • #4 district overall in Biology I with 85.9 percent proficiency, OSHS #11.
  • #7 district overall in Algebra I with 91.7 percent proficiency, OSHS #7.
  • #8 district overall in 5th grade math with 75.1 percent proficiency, OSUE #8.
  • #10 district overall in U.S. History with 86.4 percent proficiency, OSHS #30.

In his second year as OSSD Superintendent, Michael Lindsey believes the latest scores are a testament to the commitment to being better each day by all of the district’s students, staff, and community.

“The results of this year’s accountability ratings speak to the incredible commitment of our students and staff to strive for excellence,” Lindsey says. “To be ranked #1 in the state for a second year in a row is no small feat, and truly showcases the dedication of our entire school community to provide an engaging and innovative learning environment. I would like to express our deepest gratitude for the commitment and professionalism of our staff, the dedication of our students, and unwavering support of our community."

Mississippi’s accountability grades help teachers, school leaders, parents, and communities know how well they are serving their students and community. The accountability system is based on state and federal law and includes student proficiency and growth, ACT scores, graduation rates, participation in advanced coursework, and other state-tested area metrics.