OSSD Football Conduct Reminders
OSSD Football Conduct Reminders
We are looking forward to another fantastic football season, beginning with Friday’s home opener against the Scotlandville Hornets of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In order to ensure a safe and orderly environment for all of our student-athletes, coaches, and spectators, OSSD wants to remind you of the following guidelines for conduct at athletic events.
Athletic Guidelines:
- Gates open 60 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the event.
- An approved OSSD Athletics sideline pass is required for field access at all varsity football home games. Individuals without a pass will not be permitted to enter the field.
- Unauthorized vehicles parked in reserved or restricted parking areas are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.
- Students and fans are to remain seated in the bleachers or approved seating areas when not at the concession stand or restrooms. Loitering in walkways or other non-approved areas is prohibited.
- Per state law, weapons, tobacco, vape devices, and alcohol are strictly prohibited on OSSD grounds.
- All K-6 students must be accompanied by an adult at all times. K-6 students left unsupervised will be asked to call their parents to pick them up.
Fan & Student Game Conduct:
- The use of profanity, abusive language, and obscene gestures is prohibited.
- Students are to remain in the bleachers or approved areas at all times.
- All K-6 students must be accompanied by an adult at all times. K-6 students left unsupervised will be asked to call their parents to pick them up.
- Students will not be allowed to congregate in front of the restrooms, concessions, under the bleachers, or sidewalks.
Students in violation of these rules will be required to call their parents to be picked up and are subject to school disciplinary action. Fans or students who are asked to leave an OSSD athletic event due to misconduct are subject to being banned from future athletic events.
Reminder: Students in attendance at, or participating in, any school district activity are subject to the rules and disciplinary consequences set forth by the student code of conduct. (See JCA - Student Conduct)