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OSSD Announces 60% Days for SY22

OSSD Announces 60% Days for SY22

OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss (OSSD) -- Ocean Springs School District has released the dates of the two additional 60% days for next school year. These days are added to the academic calendar as an incentive for high-performing districts in the state of Mississippi. 

The fall semester 60% day will be on Wednesday, September 22, while the spring 60% day falls on Tuesday, February 15th. These days are also considered professional development days, which means employees work a normal schedule and attend training and planning sessions following student dismissal.

Note: December 17th & May 25th are still scheduled 60% days, as these are the last days of semesters one and two.

Full SY22 Academic Calendar

  • 60% day
  • academic calendar
  • professional development