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Communication Policies

Social Media Comment Policy

Ocean Springs School District encourages public interaction and communication about the content we post on all our social media channels. However, this does not mean that we support or agree with the content, opinions, or views that are expressed with any comment on our social media accounts. The user who posts the original comment is solely responsible for the content of the comment.
OSSD does not discriminate against views or opinions posted to our district-owned accounts, but we reserve the right to remove any comment made on any of our channels. Public comments will never be modified or edited by OSSD; the comment will be deleted in its entirety. Below is a list of reasons we may remove a comment or ban an individual:
  • Abusive, vulgar, obscene, racist, threatening, or harassing comments made in the direction of others
  • Libel, slander, or personal attacks of any kind, including the use of offensive terms or slurs that target specific individuals or groups
  • Spam, including content that promotes products or services or contains gratuitous links
  • Makes unsupported accusations towards district employees, students, or other parents
  • Comments that suggest or encourage illegal, dangerous, or destructive activity
  • Vulgar or obscene language
  • Duplicate posts
  • Clearly off-topic
  • Political campaigning
  • Misrepresentation/misinformation of Ocean Springs School District
  • Posing as Ocean Springs School District
  • Fake/duplicate accounts
  • Comments using the names of students/staff that contain information that could violate FERPA guidelines

WARNING: it is against policy to impersonate an official Ocean Springs School District social media account or post false information about or from the school system under an anonymous account or alias. Depending on the nature of the post, such action may result in notification to local law enforcement. If made by an employee or student, it could result in disciplinary action.